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Explanation of  Our Worship

In our day it is customary to classify worship as 'traditional' or 'contemporary'. Since the God we worship is timeless, we avoid such time-bound references to characterize His worship. We prefer to call our worship 'biblical.'


While worship is the highlight of our week, indeed of our lives, and while it reunites us with our church family, the focus of worship is not on ourselves, but on God. There are two fundamental principles involved in biblical worship:


  1. Worship is governed by what God has revealed about Himself in His Word. A corollary is that worship is to be in accord with what He has prescribed as acceptable worship.

  2. Worship is a dialogue between God and His covenant people. So defined, worship is a communication. In this communication, God speaks to us through His Word and we respond to Him either in prayer or in singing.


Every aspect of worship must have a biblical reason and a biblical defense. It is of utmost importance that we assume a reverential posture in the presence of God.


The Consistory (Elders and Deacons) supervises and is responsible for every aspect of our worship service. The pastor leads us in worship, under the authority of the Consistory.


The songs are chosen primarily for their theology or biblical accuracy. Biblical worship is aware of the importance of music to God and has always appreciated melody, harmony and rhythm. But all of that is secondary to a higher, primary concern: faithfulness to Scripture. Our songs are intended to complement, support, and apply the theme of the message.


  1. Call to Worship: the Lord officially summons us to worship Him. This is usually done with the reading of an appropriate Scripture passage.

  2. Silent Prayer: Concluded by the Pastor. We pray individually for the Lord's blessing on our corporate worship.

  3. Votum: Also called an invocation. We confess our Lord and call upon Him to assist and prepare us for the solemn task of worshiping Him: that our worship be acceptable to Him.

  4. Salutation: God welcomes us in His house of worship, and greets us with His, "Grace, Mercy and Peace."

  5. Hymn of Praise: We extol the Lord in singing.

  6. Reading of God's Law: Here we hear God's law proclaimed to us. The Law is normative for our lives and reveals God's will for Christian living. We acknowledge our failure to keep the Law.  

  7. Assurance of Pardon: In response to the reading of the Law, the Lord responds with the assurance that our sins are forgiven in Christ, wholly by grace.

  8. Song of confession: We sing of our sin and of our Redeemer, taking up in song the heart's reliance on God's grace alone.

  9. Congregational Prayer: The pastor leads the congregation in prayer. These petitions are often composed of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication. io. Offerings and Tithes: This is our thankful response to the Lord.

  10. Song of Preparation: This song prepares us to hear the Word of God, often anticipating the theme of the sermon

  11. Sermon: This is the center of the worship service. At this point the Lord speaks to His people, through His Word and servant. The purpose of a sermon is to focus on Christ and His finished work.

  12. Applicatory Prayer: The congregation prays that the Word of Christ would be richly applied in the life of the congregation.

  13. Hymn of Response: We respond with singing, again emphasizing the theme of the sermon.

  14. Benediction: The worship service is officially over. The Lord dismisses us with His blessing.

  15. Doxology: This is a song in which we celebrate the glory and supreme majesty of God, while accentuating our complete dependence upon Him and His goodness to us.

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