Resource Center
November 29, 2023 Update
As a community outreach effort Companion Books has moved the books in the Resource Center to Cup of Joy Café in DeMotte. This move aims to place the materials in a public space where individuals can easily access a diverse selection of good literature that aligns with a Christian worldview. Books can be purchased at discounted prices, borrowed, or just read in the store while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea.
You can be part of this unique outreach opportunity by:
praying that the community will find the books helpful in establishing or strengthening their Christian worldview,
Praying that the nonchurched would find helpful guidance that leads to Christ and to joining a Christian community,
Buying books for yourself, your own children or your grandchildren.
Following Companion Books on Facebook and liking and sharing items.
This effort is partially funded by the Evangelism and Outreach Committee. The space is provided free of charge by Cup of Joy Café, who will be handling the sale of the books at no charge.
The Resource Center supplements the library at Immanuel URC. In it are print resources new and gently used that you can buy at discounted prices. You will find both fiction and non-fiction material on a variety of subjects including bible study aids, counseling, devotionals, and current cultural trends. There are children's books, books for teens, books for elders and deacons, books by Puritans and books by contemporary Christian authors.
The Resource Center, located in the church office, is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, and Wednesday from 11:00 to 2:00 pm. A complete listing of books can be found at If you need a recommendation on any topic, Dana Perkins will be glad to make one.
Companion Books Ministry runs the Resource Center. Companion Books is a non-profit ministry with the goal of getting good Christian literature into your hands. Books are often sold at costs well below market value and make great gifts for your neighbors and friends. A list of what is available in the Resource Center can be found at .

Book Recommendations
A separate website has both the inventory at Cup of Joy AND a searchable list of recommended books. Note: these are books curated by Dana as solidly reformed and the best books I have found on selected subjects. They do not necessarily represent the views of the URC or the Elders.