Welcome, Neighbor!
Your first visit to a new church can be intimidating. Knowing what to expect will help you focus on what matters most: worship.
Scroll down and find everything you need to plan your visit. Anything else? Just ask.
Immanuel United Reformed Church
Sunday Worship: 10:00 am & 5:00 pm
Sunday School: 9:00 am
Prayer Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm
Church Location:
9991 W. 1200 N., DeMotte In, 46310
Planning Your Visit
What to Wear:
As we gather to worship God among His diverse people, you will see some people dressed casually, while others wear suits. Whatever you choose to wear, our goal is to let Christ be the focus and for you to be comfortably dressed.
Try to arrive fifteen minutes before service, especially if you have children. Greeters will give you a bulletin to follow along with the service.
Childcare is available in the nursery (up to age 3). Mothers may choose to sit in the cry room or overflow room during services (sermon audio is piped in).
Getting Seated:
Ushers are often available to help seat you, but feel free to seat yourself.
What is our service like?
"...centered on scripture, of substance, and life changing..."
We follow a simple order of worship drawn directly from the Bible: singing, confession of sins, prayer, offerings, preaching, and sacraments. This is meant to underscore our confidence in Christ and His Word as sufficient to build his church.
We believe worship music should be biblically sound and lyrically rich while remaining pleasing and accessible to the broadest range of ages, backgrounds, and abilities. For us, this means keeping instrumentation simple and emphasizing our collective voices. We sing the psalms, historic hymns, and contemporary hymns that have a beautiful and expressive quality while remaining faithful to the scriptures.
Offerings and Gifts:
In addition to our regular offering to support the ministries of the church, each Sunday we collect gifts for selected ministries, missions, and charities (Ezra 2:68; 2 Cor 6:7). Visitors are not expected to give. A list of ministries we support can be found here.
“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3:14-17)." Believing the Old Testament and the New Testament to be one book telling one story, we emphasize expository preaching. This means the preacher’s job is to preach on the whole Bible - clarifying the text, drawing out its meaning, and calling for an appropriate response.
See "Explanation of Worship" for a more detailed explanation.
After The Service
Formal worship transitions into informal, spontaneous interaction with each other. Our desire is also to connect with visitors who may be with us for the first time. Coffee and snacks are provided in the fellowship hall.
The first Sunday of the month is a potluck fellowship meal. It is a great way to get to know others and eat some great food!